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Migrate from Traefik Proxy on Kubernetes

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation process, it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of Kubernetes. You should have access to a working Kubernetes cluster with Traefik Proxy v3+ installed, either on a cloud provider or on your own infrastructure.

Please make sure that you have the following:

  • Kubectl
  • Helm v3
  • Enabled communication between the Traefik Hub API Gateway and Traefik Hub SaaS for license validation. You can refer to the documentation on networking for more information.

Migrate with the Helm Chart

Step 1: Store the Traefik Hub API Gateway token in a secret

Log in to the Traefik Hub Online Dashboard and create a new Hub Gateway.

⚠️ Copy only the token.

Open a terminal and run the following commands to create a secret for the license:

# Create an environment variable which contains the token
export TRAEFIK_HUB_TOKEN=my-token-from-hub # Replace my-token-from-hub with the Token provided in the Dashboard
# Initialize the namespace and the secret that contains the token
kubectl create namespace traefik
kubectl create secret generic license --namespace traefik --from-literal=token=$TRAEFIK_HUB_TOKEN

To check the license has been created, use the following command:

kubectl -n traefik describe secrets license

Step 2: Add the token to the helm values

Edit the Helm values.yaml to add the Hub API Gateway token and update the image for the gateway.

# Configure Hub API Gateway to read the token from the dedicated secret
token: license

# Replace the traefik image with the traefik-hub one
repository: "traefik/traefik-hub"
tag: "v3"
Specific version

To dowload a specific version, set the version with the following format: vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH; for example v3.1.1.

FIPS 140-2 Compliance

Traefik Hub API Gateway is FIPS 140-2 compliant. You can install the dedicated image using the tag v3-fips.

More information in the dedicated installation guide

Step 3: Replace Traefik Proxy with Traefik Hub API Gateways

Use Helm to deploy the Traefik Hub API Gateway with the new values:

helm upgrade --install traefik -n traefik traefik/traefik --values values.yaml

Step 4: Check the new stack

The Traefik Proxy Deployment has been replaced with a new Traefik Hub API Gateway Deployment. The Hub API Gateway configuration is fully compatible with the Traefik Proxy configuration and requires no change appart from the license token. You can check it using the following command:

kubectl -n traefik describe deployments.apps traefik

Traefik Hub API Gateway is exposed using the same Service as Traefik Proxy. You can check it using the following command:

kubectl -n traefik describe service traefik
No Traffic Interruption

During the migration, the Traefik Pods are replaced with the Traefik Hub API Gateway Pods using a RollingUpgrade mechanism. It allows you to migrate without interrupting the traffic management.