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Secure Traefik Hub Gateway Dashboard and API

The dashboard is the central place that shows you the current active routes handled by Traefik Hub.

Create a Basic Authentication Middleware

It's recommended to secure the dashboard with an Authentication middleware like the OIDC middleware. For the sake of simplicity, this example uses the Basic Authentication middleware. But the steps are the same with every other middleware.

To allow Traefik Hub API Gateway to secure dashboard access using the Basic Authentication Middleware, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: dashboard-auth
namespace: traefik
secret: authsecret

Install Traefik Hub API Gateway enabling the dashboard

If Hub API Gateway is already installed, save the default configuration. The following command will save it to a file with the name values.yaml in your working directory.

helm show values traefik/traefik-hub > values.yaml

Then, adjust the file, adding the following configuration.

# Enable the dashboard
enabled: true
# Expose the dashboard on the outside
entryPoints: ["websecure"]
# Attach the Basic Authentication middleware
middlewares: ["dashboard-auth"]

Once you have the configuration adjusted to your needs, use Helm to deploy the Traefik Hub API Gateway with the new values:

Install Traefik Hub API Gateway using Helm
# Add the Helm repository
helm repo add --force-update traefik
# Install the Helm chart
helm upgrade --install traefik-hub -n traefik --wait \
--values values.yaml \

You can now access the dashboard of the Traefik Hub API Gateway instance, at the following URLs: https://<Traefik Hub Cluster IP>/dashboard/ (the trailing slash is mandatory).

TLS Certificate

In the example above, there is no TLS certificate provided, by default Traefik Hub API Gateway serves a self-signed certificate.

You can provide TLS certificates to Hub API Gateway using Kubernetes Secrets. You can generate TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt.

Advanced Configuration

Advanced options are described in the Helm reference page and the Static Configuration options page.