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OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection Authentication

The OAuth2 Token Introspection protocol (defined in the RFC 7662) allows Traefik Hub API Gateway to retrieve metadata about an access token from an OAuth 2.0 server with the Token Introspection extension.

Every application brings its AccessToken to Hub API Gateway using one of the following sources:

  • A header (and a scheme if the AccessToken is provided using the Authorizationheader),
  • A query parameter,
  • A cookie.

Then, Hub API Gateway calls the Identity Provider providing the AccessToken. In return, the Identity Provider sends a JSON document representing the meta information surrounding the token, including whether this token is currently active.

Metadata Usage

The meta information surrounding the token can be used for advanced use-cases such as adding an Authorization layer using the claims.

More information in the dedicated section.

Configuration Example

To allow the OAuth2 Token Introspection to get the AccessToken from the Authorization Header provided by the requests, apply the following configuration:

kind: Middleware
name: oauth2-token-introspection
namespace: apps
header: Authorization
headerAuthScheme: Bearer
url: "https://YOUR-KEYCLOAK-ADDRESS/realms/YOUR-REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect"
How to recover the AccessToken?

The Identity Providers expose a dedicated endpoint that allow the applications to generate their AccessToken before reaching Hub API Gateway.

The example below decribes the commands to run in order to get an AccessToken from a Keycloak server:

# Initialize the required information
# YOUR-KEYCLOAK-ADDRESS your Keycloak server address, YOUR-REALM the realm name
# Get the token using curl and jq commands
curl -d 'client_id=$HUB_CLIENT' -d 'client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET' -d 'grant_type=$CLIENT_CREDENTIALS' '$KEYCLOAK_URL/protocol/openid-connect/token' | jq .access_token
Advanced Configuration

Advanced options are described in the reference page.

For example, the metadata recovered from the Identity Provider can be used to restrict the access to the applications. To do so, you can use the claims option, more information in the dedicated section.