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LDAP Authentication

The LDAP Authentication middleware secures your applications by delegating the authentication to an external LDAP server.

The LDAP middleware will look for user credentials in the Authorization header of each request. Credentials must be encoded with the following format: base64(username:password).

Configuration Examples

kind: Middleware
name: test-ldap-auth
namespace: apps
url: ldap://
baseDN: dc=example,dc=org

Configuration Options

urlLDAP server URL. Either the ldaps or ldap protocol and end with a port (ex: `ldaps://""Yes
startTLSEnable StartTLS request when initializing the connection with the LDAP server.falseNo
certificateAuthorityPEM-encoded certificate to use to establish a connection with the LDAP server if the connection uses TLS but that the certificate was signed by a custom Certificate Authority.""No
insecureSkipVerifyAllow proceeding and operating even for server TLS connections otherwise considered insecure.falseNo
bindDNDomain name to bind to in order to authenticate to the LDAP server when running on search mode.
Leaving this empty with search mode means binds are anonymous, which is rarely expected behavior.
Not used when running in bind mode.
bindPasswordPassword corresponding to the bindDN specified when running in search mode, used in order to authenticate to the LDAP server.""No
connPoolPool of connections to the LDAP server (to minimize the impact on the performance).NoneNo
connPool.sizeNumber of connections managed by the pool can be customized with the size property.10No
connPool.burstEphemeral connections that are opened when the pool is already full. Once the number of connection exceeds size + burst, a Too Many Connections error is returned.5No
connPool.ttlPooled connections are still meant to be short-lived, so they are closed after roughly one minute by default. This behavior can be modified with the ttl property.60sNo
baseDNBase domain name that should be used for bind and search queries.""Yes
attributeThe attribute used to bind a user. Bind queries use this pattern: <attr>=<username>,<baseDN>, where the username is extracted from the request header.cnYes
forwardUsernameForward the username in a specific header, defined using the forwardUsernameHeader option.""No
forwardUsernameHeaderName of the header to put the username in when forwarding it. This is not used if the forwardUsername option is set to false.UsernameYes
forwardAuthorizationEnable to forward the authorization header from the request after it has been approved by the middleware.falseYes
searchFilterIf not empty, the middleware will run in search mode, filtering search results with the given query.
Filter queries can use the %s placeholder that is replaced by the username provided in the Authorization header of the request (for example: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(gidNumber=500)(uid=%s))).
wwwAuthenticateHeaderAllow setting a WWW-Authenticate header in the 401 Unauthorized response. See the WWW-Authenticate header documentation for more information.
The realm directive of the WWW-Authenticate header can be customized with the wwwAuthenticateHeaderRealm option.
wwwAuthenticateHeaderRealmRealm name to set in the WWW-Authenticate header. This option is ineffective unless the wwwAuthenticateHeader option is set to true.""No

Bind Mode vs Search Mode

If no filter is specified in its configuration, the middleware runs in the default bind mode, meaning it tries to make a bind request to the LDAP server with the credentials provided in the request headers. If the bind succeeds, the middleware forwards the request, otherwise it returns a 401 Unauthorized status code.

If a filter query is specified in the middleware configuration, and the Authentication Source referenced has a bindDN and a bindPassword, then the middleware runs in search mode. In this mode, a search query with the given filter is issued to the LDAP server before trying to bind. If result of this search returns only 1 record, it tries to issue a bind request with this record, otherwise it aborts a 401 Unauthorized status code.