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This middleware validates a digital signature computed using the content of an HTTP request and a shared secret that is sent to the proxy using the Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header.

It ensures:

  • The identity of the sender (Authentication): If the signature is validated by the proxy, it means that the sender actually owns the shared secret. As a consequence, the sender's identity is considered to be proven.
  • The integrity of the request: As the signature is based on a subset of the HTTP request, it means that if the signature is validated by the proxy, the request used to generate the signature has not been modified between the sender and the proxy. This middleware also allows validating the content integrity using the Digest header.

This middleware is based on the HTTP Signature Draft.

Configuration Example

Below is an advanced configuration that enables the HMAC middleware, sets one secret, ensures that the digest sum of the request body is validated and ensures that the given headers must be included in the computation of the signature of the request.

kind: Middleware
name: hmac-auth
- id: secret-key
key: secret
validateDigest: true
- (request-target)
- (created)
- (expires)
- host

Configuration Options

keysA static set of secret keys to be used by HMAC middleware.Yes
validateDigestDetermines whether the middleware should validate the digest sum of the request body.trueNo
enforcedHeadersA set of headers that must be included in the computation of the signature of the request.No

Authentication Mechanism

The sender and proxy share a common secret identified by a keyId. How the sender gets the secret and keeps it safe is out of scope of this documentation.

Crafting the Authorization Header

To authenticate a request, the sender must provide an Authorization or ProxyAuthorization header fulfilling the HMAC authentication scheme.

This header carries a set of parameters:

Authorization: Hmac keyId="secret-id-1",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) (created) (expires) host x-example",signature="c29tZXNpZ25hdHVyZQ==",created="1584453022",expires="1584453032"
keyIdIdentifier of the key being used by the sender to build the signaturekeyId="secret-key-1"
algorithmAlgorithm used to generate the signature.
Supported values are hmac-sha1, hmac-sha256, hmac-sha384 and hmac-sha512.
headersList of headers to use in order to build the signature string.
Each item must be lowercase.
headers="host content-type"
signatureDigital Signature of the request. See computing the signature.signature="c29tZXNpZ25hdHVyZQ=="
createdUnix timestamp of the signature creation.created="1574453022"
expiresUnix timestamp of the signature expiration.expires="1574453022"
"Time sensitivity"

If the created timestamp is in the future or the expires timestamp is in the past, the middleware will refuse the request. This behaviour makes using this middleware sensitive to clock skew between the client and the server.

Make sure that your client and your server have their clocks synchronized.

Computing the Signature

The signature is the base64-encoded value of the result of an HMAC signature algorithm computed with a signature string and the sender's secret key.

For example:

signature=base64(HMAC(signatureString, secret))

Crafting the Signature String

A signed HTTP request needs to be tolerant of some trivial alterations during transmission as it goes through gateways, proxies and other entities. As a consequence, signing the whole request is not an option as a single header modification could result in a not valid signature.

To avoid this problem, this middleware builds the signature string from a subset of header values defined by the sender with the headers parameter of the authorization header.

To build the signature string, the client must take the values of each header specified by the headers parameter in the order they appear, then apply the following logic to each of them:

  1. If the header is a special header, then evaluate its value according to the special headers values section
  2. If the header is not a special header, then append the lowercase header name followed with an ASCII colon :, an ASCII space ` ` and the header value. If the header has multiple values then append those values separated by an ASCII comma , and an ASCII space ` `
  3. If value is not the last value then append an ASCII newline \n. The signature string MUST NOT include a trailing ASCII newline

All headers values are trimmed from their spaces.

Special Header Values

By design, all the information of an HTTP request is not available through headers. However, it makes sense to secure the request using them.

To allow this, the headers parameter accepts special header names that can be used.

ValueDescriptionSignature String Example
(request-target)Obtained by concatenating the lowercase :method, an ASCII space, and the :path pseudo-headers (as specified in HTTP/2).(request-target): get /api/V1/resource?query=foo
(created)Value of the authorization header created parameter.(created): 1584453022
(expires)Value of the authorization header expires parameter.(expires): 1584453082

Their evaluated value is obtained by appending the special header name with an ASCII colon : an ASCII space ` ` then the designated value.

(created): 1929494939
(request-target): get /foo/bar

Signature String Example

Here is an example with the authorization header parameters set:

  • headers="(request-target) (created) (expires) host x-example x-emptyheader cache-control"
  • created="1584466921"
  • expires="1584466931"
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
X-Example: Example header
with some whitespace.
X-NotIncluded: always
Cache-Control: max-age=60
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
(request-target): get /foo
(created): 1584466921
(expires): 1584466931
x-example: Example header with some whitespace.
cache-control: max-age=60, must-revalidate

Enforced Headers

It is possible to configure the middleware to enforce a minimum set of headers to create the signature string. This means that any request that does not have the enforced headers in its signature is systematically refused.

This option also configures the headers list returned when initiating the authentication.

It defaults to (request-target) (created) (expires).

"Always enforce (created) and (expires)"

The created and expires header parameters protect against replay attacks. To make sure that their value is not modified during transport, it is highly recommended to always include those parameters values in the signature using the (created) and (expired) special headers value.

To do so, it is recommended to always configure the middleware to enforce (created) and (expires).

Initiating the Authentication

The authentication can be initiated by the proxy. A 401 Unauthorized response is returned with a WWW-Authenticate header indicating to use the Hmac authentication scheme.

WWW-Authenticate: Hmac headers="(request-target) (created) (expires) host x-example"

This header indicates that the sender needs to provide an Authorization header that fulfills the Hmac authentication schemes. It also indicates a list of headers that have to be included in the signature using the headers parameter.

"Enforced headers"

The list of headers carried in the WWW-Authenticate header is the list of enforced headers indicated in the middleware configuration.

Validating Request Body Integrity

It is possible to make sure that the body of the incoming request has not been altered during transmission by including the digest header in the signature string.

This middleware, by default, validates the digest sum of the body, if there is one.

Only SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksums are supported for checksum computation.

"Potential CPU and memory usage"

Validating the digest makes the middleware read the request body and computes a checksum for it. As a consequence it can cause high memory and CPU usage on proxies.

To disable this feature and only perform authentication, set the validateDigest option to false in the middleware configuration.