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Internal IdP

This page describes how to manage user and user groups using Traefik Hub as IdP.


User and user group management is an important aspect of API Management that involves the creation, modification, and deletion of user accounts and groups to manage access and permissions to APIs, API Gateways and API Portals.

User and user groups are created through the Traefik Hub dashboard and can be referenced in the CRDs.


API Management User Overview.

Every consumer in Traefik Hub has a user account. The user account identifies the user, and the user account settings determine which APIs and API Portal the user can access.

In Traefik Hub, every user needs to be part of a user group. It is not possible to assign an individual user to an API, however you can assign a user to a group as the only member.

When a user is a member of multiple groups, the user will inherit the permission level of the group with the most access.

Each user account must contain the following:

  • User's First Name
  • User's Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Company
  • Group(s)

Add a User

Select Users, here you will see all existing user, and you can validate and adjust their permissions and groups.

Select Add user in the right top corner to add a new user.

Select user management

Fill out the form, all fields are required.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Company
  • Groups

User form

Every user has to be part of a user group, it is not possible to assign an individual user to an API or API collection.

You can assign the user to an already existing user group, or you can create a new one.

Choose existing user group

Choose an existing user group and select Save.

If you want to create a new user group, choose Create new User Group.

Choose create new user group

Fill out the name of the new user group and select Create.

Create new user group

Now you will see that the new user is part of the user group, select Save to finish the process.

User is part of a user group

Edit a User

To change user details—such as a user’s email, or contact information—edit the user account.

Select Users, here you will see all existing user, and you can validate and adjust their permissions and groups.

Select the user you want to edit.

User is part of a user group

This will show you the overview about the user. Now select Edit in the top right corner.

User is part of a user group

Adjust the settings and select Save.

Adjust settings

Delete a User

To delete a user.

Select Users, here you will see all existing user, select the user you want to delete.

Choose the user you want to delete

Now select Delete User in the left bottom.

Choose the user you want to delete

Confirm the removal by selecting Yes, delete it.

Choose the user you want to delete

Reset a User Password

Select Users, here you will see all existing user, select the user where you want to reset the password.

Select Reset password

Copy the link

This will change in the future.

User Groups

API Management User Group Overview.

Groups are a means of categorizing users. This allows for granting permissions to a specific group, for example to API collections.

A user may belong to any number of groups and automatically has all the permissions granted to that group.

In Traefik Hub, every user needs to be part of a user group.

Create a Group

Select Groups, here you will see an overview about all user groups.

To create a new user group, select Add group on the right top corner.

User groups

Delete a Group

It is only possible to remove empty groups!

Select the trash icon on the right site to remove a group.

Delete group

Delete group