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Consul Catalog Enterprise

The consulCatalogEnterprise provider enables Traefik Hub API Gateway to integrate with Consul Enterprise, leveraging advanced features like partitions and multi-namespace support. This provider extends the capabilities of the standard Consul Catalog provider by allowing you to specify partitions and automatically discover services across all namespaces within those partitions.


If both consulCatalog and consulCatalogEnterprise providers are configured, only the consulCatalogEnterprise provider will be used.

Configuration Example

To use the consulCatalogEnterprise provider, you need to enable & configure it.

Below is an example of how to enable & configure the provider:

enabled: true
address: ""
partition: "myPartition"

Configuration Options

hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.cacheInstruct Traefik Hub to use local agent caching for catalog reads.falseNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.connectAwareEnable Consul Catalog Enterprise Connect support. If set to true, Traefik will be enabled to communicate with Connect services.falseNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.connectByDefaultIf set to true, Traefik will consider every Consul Catalog service to be Connect capable by default.falseNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.constraintsDefines an expression that Traefik matches against the container labels to determine whether to create any route for that container. See Constraints for more information.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.defaultRuleThe Default Host rule for all services. See Default Rule for more information"Host(`{{ normalize .Name }}`)"No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.namespacesDefines the namespaces to query. See Namespaces for more informationdefaultNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpointDefines the Consul Catalaog Enterprise server endpoint.""Yes
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.addressDefines the address of the Consul server.
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.schemeDefines the URI scheme for the Consul server.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.datacenterDefines the datacenter to use. If not provided in Traefik, Consul uses the default agent datacenter.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.tokenDefines a per-request ACL token which overwrites the agent's default token.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.endpointWaitTimeDefines a duration for which a watch can block. If not provided, the agent default values will be used.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.httpAuthDefines authentication settings for the HTTP client using HTTP Basic Authentication.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.httpAuth.usernameDefines the username to use for HTTP Basic Authentication.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.endpoint.httpAuth.passwordDefines the password to use for HTTP Basic Authentication.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.exposedByDefaultExpose Consul Catalog Enterprise services by default in Traefik. If set to false, services that do not have a traefik.enable=true tag will be ignored.trueNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.partitionDefines the partition used to discover services. See Partition for more information.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.prefixDefines the prefix for Consul Catalog Enterprise tags defining Traefik labels.traefikYes
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.refreshIntervalDefines the polling interval.15sNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.requireConsistentForces the read to be fully consistent. See here for more information.falseYes
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.serviceNameDefines the name of the Traefik service in Consul Catalog Enterprise."traefik"No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.staleInstruct Traefik Hub to use stale consistency for catalog reads.falseNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.strictChecksDefine which Consul Service health checks are allowed to take on traffic."passing,warning"no
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.tlsDefines the TLS configuration used for the secure connection to Consul Calatog EnterpriseN/ANo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.tls.caDefines the path to the certificate authority used for the secure connection to Consul Calatog Enterprise, it defaults to the system bundle.""No
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.tls.certDefines the path to the public certificate used for the secure connection to Consul Calatog Enterprise. When using this option, setting the key option is required.""Yes
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.tls.keyDefines the path to the private key used for the secure connection to Consul Catalog Enterprise. When using this option, setting the cert option is required.""Yes
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.tls.insecureSkipVerifyInstructs the provider to accept any certificate presented by Consul Catalog Enterprise when establishing a TLS connection, regardless of the hostnames the certificate covers.falseNo
hub.providers.consulCatalogEnterprise.watchWhen set to true, watches for Consul changes (Consul watches checks).falseNo


The constraints option can be set to an expression that Traefik Hub matches against the service tags to determine whether to create any route for that service. If none of the service tags match the expression, no route for that service is created. If the expression is empty, all detected services are included.

The expression syntax is based on the Tag(`tag`), and TagRegex(`tag`) functions, as well as the usual boolean logic, as shown in examples below.

Constraints Expression Examples
# Includes only services having the tag ``
constraints = "Tag(``)"
# Excludes services having any tag ``
constraints = "!Tag(``)"
# With logical AND.
constraints = "Tag(``) && Tag(``)"
# With logical OR.
constraints = "Tag(``) || Tag(``)"
# With logical AND and OR, with precedence set by parentheses.
constraints = "Tag(``) && (Tag(``) || Tag(``))"
# Includes only services having a tag matching the `a\.tag\.t.+` regular expression.
constraints = "TagRegex(`a\.tag\.t.+`)"


The default host rule for all services.

For a given service, if no routing rule was defined by a tag, it is defined by this defaultRule instead. The defaultRule must be set to a valid Go template, and can include sprig template functions. The service name can be accessed with the Name identifier, and the template has access to all the labels (i.e. tags beginning with the prefix) defined on this service.

The option can be overridden on an instance basis with the traefik.http.routers.{name-of-your-choice}.rule tag.

Default rule and Traefik service

The exposure of the Traefik container, combined with the default rule mechanism, can lead to create a router targeting itself in a loop. In this case, to prevent an infinite loop, Traefik adds an internal middleware to refuse the request if it comes from the same router.


Forces the read to be fully consistent. Setting this option can be expensive due to an extra round-trip but it prevents a stale read.

For more information, see the Consul documentation on consistency.


The namespaces option defines the namespaces in which the consul catalog services will be discovered. When using the namespaces option, the discovered configuration object names will be suffixed as shown below:


If the namespaces option is not set, the provider will discover services from all namespaces. This behavior differs from the Traefik proxy Consul Catalog provider, where the default is to use only the default namespace.


One should only define either the namespaces or the namespace option.

  • The default behavior of discovering all namespaces is implicit and does not require additional configuration.
  • This behavior is consistent even when using the partition option; all namespaces within the specified partition will be discovered unless explicitly restricted.
  • If you need to limit the discovery to specific namespaces, you should set the namespaces option with the list of namespaces you want to include.
File (YAML)
- "ns1"
- "ns2"
# ...


The partition option defines the Consul Enterprise partition used to discover services. This allows Traefik to interact with services within a specific partition, enabling better isolation and organization of services in large-scale environments.

Configuration example

curl -X PUT -d '{"Name":"production"}'

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the Consul agent is correctly configured to work with partitions and namespaces.
  • Be aware that discovering all namespaces may have performance implications in large Consul deployments.
  • When using the consulCatalogEnterprise provider, service discovery and routing are handled within the specified partition and namespaces, providing better isolation and control in enterprise environments.