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Traefik Hub

Traefik Hub API Gateway

Traefik Hub API Gateway is a cloud-native, fully declarative API gateway that enables you to manage and secure your APIs and microservices with ease. Built on top of Traefik Proxy, it empowers DevOps teams with enterprise-grade access control, distributed security, dynamic configuration, flexible rate limiting, and high availability.

Ready to experiment it? Start with the documentation.

Traefik Hub API Management

Traefik Hub API Management is the industry’s first Kubernetes-native API Management solution for publishing, securing, and managing APIs.

Traefik Hub API Management, purpose-built for K8s environments and GitOps workflows, drastically simplifies and accelerates the API lifecycle management, so organizations experience quick time to value, unleash workforce productivity, and can focus on building great applications.

Ready to experiment it? Start with the documentation.

Features Matrix

FeatureTraefik ProxyTraefik Hub API GatewayTraefik Hub API Management
Services Auto-Discovery
Graceful Configuration Reload
Websockets, HTTP/2, HTTP/3, TCP, UDP, GRPC ready
Real-time Metrics & Distributed Tracing
Canary Deployments
Let's Encrypt
Plugin Support (Go, WASM)
Hybrid cloud, multi-cloud & on-prem compatible
Per-cluster dashboard
GitOps-native declarative configuration
JWT Authentication
OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection Authentication
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Authentication
OpenID Connect Authentication
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
API Key Authentication
Open Policy Agent
Native Coraza Web Application Firewall (WAF)
HashiCorp Vault Integration
Distributed Let's Encrypt
Distributed Rate Limit
HTTP Caching
FIPS 140-2 Compliance
Flexible API grouping and versioning
API Developer Portal
OpenAPI Specifications Support
Multi-cluster dashboard
Built-in identity provider (or use your own)
Configuration linter & change impact analysis
Pre-built Grafana dashboards
Event correlation for quick incident mitigation
Traffic debugger (coming soon)
Built-In Commercial Support