Installing the teectl
Command-Line Tool¶
First, download teectl
, a tool that will help you install and operate your cluster, using one of the following links:
for Linux (Intel) 64 Bitsteectl
for Linux (ARM) v6teectl
for Linux (ARM) v7teectl
for macOS (Intel) 64 Bitsteectl
for macOS (ARM) 64 Bitsteectl
for Windows (Intel) 64 Bits
Check the integrity of the downloaded file
Use the sha256 checksums of the binaries:
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
sha256sum ./teectl_v2.12.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
shasum -a256 ./teectl_v2.12.2_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256
Extract the downloaded archive
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
tar -zxvf teectl_v2.12.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
tar -zxvf ./teectl_v2.12.2_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
# Compare this value to the one found in traefikee_checksums.txt
Copy the teectl
binary to your PATH
or add its location to your environment ($PATH
or %PATH%
depending on your OS)
and make sure it's executable:
# Example with /usr/local/bin
# These command may need sudo rights
cp ./teectl /usr/local/bin/teectl
# Should print "/usr/local/bin/teectl"
command -v teectl
# Example with C:\Program Files
Copy-Item "teectl.exe" -Destination "C:\Program Files\teectl.exe"
# Should print "C:\Program Files\teectl.exe"
where teectl
You can now test your installation by executing the command-line teectl
without argument,
it should return a simple "usage":
Usage: teectl [flags] <command> [<arguments>]
Use "teectl <command> --help" for help on any command.
License Monitoring¶
When a Traefik Enterprise controller starts for the first time, it checks the license validity.
If the license is valid, another check is done once every 24 hours.
If the controller can't communicate with the license server, a 72-day grace period starts to recover from this situation.
Once the grace period is over, the controller stops updating the proxies configuration.
Please look at the FAQ to know how to implement the license monitoring.